Friday, May 27, 2011

7 quick takes

-1- I love Adele. Local pop stations are playing her now, which is exciting. I don't know much about her, but I will say I LOVE her style. Clearly she's a little bit bigger - like me - and I'd love to pull off her look.

-2- When looking to celebrities for inspiration I need to remember that if they have kids, those kids were not around when the pictures I am drooling over were being taken. I also need to remember that they have a much bigger wardrobe budget than I.

-3- Today is Travis' last day of work. (My husband is a teacher.) I am so excited! Frankly, with all the crap that's happening in education right now I think it'll be really good for Travis to have this break. The state government is wanting to take more money away from teachers, which is a good idea if you want to attract crappy teachers.

-4- Does anyone know if there's anything you can do with rhubarb besides bake it into desserts? I'd love recipes if you have any.

-5- I watched the final episode of Oprah. I did not cry (though I thought I would). I like Oprah, I like the way she is herself. I did not watch every show, not even most of them, since the four o'clock hour is also dinner prep time and not all topics were kid friendly. I also didn't watch the ones that promoted perspectives I disagree with (moral relativism and new age-y stuff). But I liked her favorite things and when she interviewed celebrities. :)

-6- We're supposed to get central air soon! (Thank you, tax refund!) I'm hoping it happens before the temperature gets over 85 again. I hate heat. And I hate humidity. But I love ac. Sweet, sweet air conditioning...

-7- I am reading a really interesting book right now called Pop Goes Religion by Terry Mattingly. It's a collection of his newspaper columns spanning the late nineties through about 2005. There's a lot of perspectives - Jewish, Catholic, evangelical - represented as they discuss film, tv, music, and how media has shaped our culture and the way we believe and worship. My favorite point made so far is that Christianity used to shape the culture but we are now shaped by it. Wow. And ouch.


Lauren said...

Listen to this:

I listened to this for about 2 weeks straight in my classroom before school

Lisa said...

Well, if you have extra rhubarb, you could give some to us ;) Paul loves rhubarb, and we planted one last year but doesn't look like it's ready to harvest yet.

Amanda said...

I saw in a magazine last week a strawberry rhubarb lemonade. If you are interested I will try and locate it again for you.

Amanda S. said...

OH someone was just telling me about a strawberry rhubarb soup, it sounded interesting

Unknown said...

Adele rocks my world... and the time I spend in the kitchen with her...

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, from Aunt Nita. Great Grandma DeVena used to make a rhubarb sauce that I loved. It was like applesauce only you made with rhubarb. You cook it all the way so it's a smooth sauce and just add some sugar and water and cook. It's a pretty pink color and I loved it cause it was a little sour and sweet too.