On a fairly recent episode four viewers were challenged to do things they don't normally do: roller derby, skydiving and skinny dipping. They were four women who felt un-special, stuck in a rut, like they were going through the motions. As they stepped out of their boxes they were awakened, or at least saw that they were capable of more than they realized. In the end they were given charm bracelets with charms representing the things they had done.
I really liked this idea - to wear a constant reminder of the things I have done which have built my character, challenged my intellect, pushed my body and shaped me into who I am. A constant reminder of the amazing things I have accomplished, my little victories and successes.
I want one of these charm bracelets to help me feel beautiful. I would have a charm for:
-the 50lbs I lost when I was in college (see! I did it once, I can do it again!)
-my internship in San Francisco
-my work in campus ministry
-my marriage
What would you have charms for?
-collegiate soccer
-the body i had while playing collegiate soccer
-FOCUS and fundraising
-working as a CNA (catheters and bed sores)
-marriage too
-overcoming depression
Hmmm...I'd obviously get one for each of my children and Bryon, but here's what I'd add:
The letter "E" for the great group of girls I met at EC
A cloud for my love of weather spotting
A graduation cap for all of those students I helped to Mac and watched them receive their degree
A book to resemble the bible
And a cup of coffee so I can imagine it's always a peppermint mocha :)
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