6 months ago, May 3rd, was Lydia's birth day. Here's some pictures to commemorate what I did that day.
(Warning, these are the most "risky" pictures I've put up, but nothing too gross.)

6 months old exactly. What a cutie!
Please excuse me for being so bold as I say, "Well done, Me."
Well done! :)
Well done indeed!
Wow..6 months old already! She is getting so big! You did a superb job Bonnie! She is just too cute!
I'm pretty sure Travis did well too.
Travis did not have intense contractions for 21 hours.
He was a good support and I couldn't have done it without him, but come on, who pushed a 9lb baby out of their body? It was me.
she is getting so big and her little round head just gets cuter.
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