Monday, August 20, 2007

The Good and the Bad

Here is some very good news:

I am pregnant again.

We were trying and after some good NFP signs we bought a home pregnancy test Saturday night and it came back positive.

Here is some bad news:

Today I had cramping so strong and painful it woke me up. When I went to the bathroom an hour later there was fresh blood. I had been spotting lightly for a week, but it was less and less every day until today. I went for a blood test this morning. The nurse said they would call me back today before noon hopefully. They want to make sure I'm pregnant (hence the blood test) and to check my progesterone levels (I believe they double every day and my baby should be about 2 weeks old.) This is pretty much where I was when we lost Peter. Travis is at work - everyone's at work. And I'm watching EWTN and Food Network at my parents' house.

Please pray.


Xteener said...

You and your baby are in my prayers, Bonnie. Be strong.

Maiasaura said...

thinking of you. hoping for the best.