Thursday, June 23, 2011

and then I saw the beauty

I sat across the table from her and we made some small talk while she took my information for her form.  In silence, while she typed, I studied her appearance.  Outdated hair style.  Knobby hands.  Wrinkles on her face.  Plain clothes.  After noticing all the details I concluded that she may have been fairly pretty in her 20's but thirty-some years later she was just average.

And then I thought about the people I know who are so much more physically attractive to me because of how I love them.

I asked God how He saw her.  Immediately, before my eyes, her features softened.  Her knobby hands suddenly seemed virtuous with hard work and strong with love.  I was suddenly struck with how gentle and pretty her smile was.  My heart filled with the love her husband, parents, and children felt for her and I thought she was truly beautiful. 

It was amazing. 

So now, every time I look over someone's appearance and begin assessing all the things they've done wrong or how they've aged poorly I stop myself.  I wonder how God sees them and their beauty becomes obvious.  Obvious. 

How could I have missed it all in the first place?!


Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful post.

I try to remember the same kind of thing when I'm upset with someone, or envious, or mad, or whatever.....that God loves them and I need to treat them as I would treat Jesus if He were standing in front of me. Challenging.

Glenna said...

Mother Teresa is a wonderful icon of this...thx for the reminder!

Betsy said...

Excellent post. Just a curious thought...have you tried it while looking in the mirror? :)

Being Refined said...

great post! Thank you for sharing this. I will have to try this with some extended family members. ;)