Monday, March 28, 2011

I hate the g tube

James' g tube site has not healed like they hoped it would - own its own.  He has been leaking his feedings, the g tube site is raw and bright red (poor little guy!), and he hasn't been sleeping well - we assume because of his discomfort. 

All this means that Wednesday James will have inpatient surgery at OSF to close the tunnel that runs from his stomach to his skin.  I'm not sure of the time that he'll go in, but I would appreciate it if you would pray for the following:

- that James does not get an infection at the site - before or after the surgery.
- that the surgery goes well and the doctors and nurses have hands that are guided and minds that are clear and focused.
- that James will begin to sleep well again and his long crying times will be shortened.

Thanks everyone!  We'll keep you posted on his progress!


Elizabeth said...

Praying for James and your whole family.

Amanda said...

We'll be praying for you

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, From Aunt Nita. I've been praying since Bert told me that James had to have the surgery. I hope all goes well and he heals quickly. Poor little guy has been through enough. Love and prayers.