Saturday, April 3, 2010

Jesus Christ is Risen!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
An aquantence had her world fall apart. A friend might be losing her marriage. A couple I know has a very ill baby. The Church is being slapped with scandal, some of it deserved and some of it sensationalized.
It is so easy to hear some news, think that's too bad, and move on. For certainly there is peanut butter toast to be made, carpets to be vacuumed, diapers to be washed, and a baby to bathe.
But this Lent, and especially this Triddum, I have found myself taking the time to stop and try to imagine how scared, how heavy-hearted, how forsaken people feel at times. I am trying to be more empathetic, because that is how I remember to pray for the people I promise to pray for.
What does this have to do with Easter?
Well, that's the only hope we have, isn't it? In the end, there really are things we just cannot get through by natural means. We need the Supernatural. We need the promise of Eternal Life, the Divine Mercy of God, the knowledge that suffering can be redemptive and the belief that we are held in the Righteous Right Hand of an all-knowing and deeply-loving God. Even if it doesn't feel like it.
Even if it does not feel like it.
Easter is a beautiful reminder of the Goodness of God, and that it will triumph.
He is Risen indeed!
Alleluia! Alleluia!


Cynthia said...

I really love this Bonnie. Beautiful post. Have a blessed Easter!

Mia Jude said...

Amen. =)

Sarahbiz said...

You said it beautifully!

Kendra Logan said...

He is risen, indeed :)


Sarah Hedman said...

what a wonderful post. thanks for the reminder. I absolutely love Easter and you stated why very well.