There is nothing more beautiful than an Easter Vigil Mass done right. In fact, it is my favorite Mass of the year, especially at the Cathedral. Beginning in absoulte darkness, then the Easter candle, representing Christ our Light comes into the the church. All our individual candles are lit and then the Easter Proclamation is chanted with the cantor using only candle light to read the words. Three readings, all done in relative darkness, setting up the great salvation that is ours through Christ's victory over the grave.
I am glad Lent is over. Does anyone else find that being a kind, good, holy person is a lot harder during Lent when you are trying for Christ?
Lydia's first Easter was a success. Fun board books, bubbles, a pinwheel, a xylophone, a baby pool and 3 bumGenius diapers. Everyone's happy. :)
And finally, here's a little story to warm your heart: Msgr. Powell of Epiphany Parish in Normal donated his kidney to one of his parishioners. The recipient happens to be the mother of a friend; please keep the good monsignor, Mrs. D and her family in your prayers.
we dont know the recipient, but isnt Mgsr. awesome!! We love Epiphany, our parish,but this proves to the world what an awesome catholic faith he is living to every member of his parish. :)
I read about the priest donor in the paper. HOW AWESOME!! What a beautiful thing to do! There are days when we (the church as a whole) totally disappoint and then days when I see God working in and through us.
I'm glad today is the latter.
Love Lydia's Easter pics! Too cute!!
Holy crap, Lydia made out like a bandit! All we ever got at Easter was books and candy. That being said, books are my favorite present.
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