Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nancy Pelosi is a moron.


Veronica said...

i hate how she consistently just makes me so angry! I want to call her lots of names. Who does that kind of stuff?

Maiasaura said...

I don't understand how this is moronic. To me, her statement was polite and respectful. This is exactly what I would expect a decent person to say after meeting with someone who holds differing views. I guess maybe I'm not entitled to an opinion on this, since I'm not Catholic. But I don't get what she should have done differently. She basically issued a respectful statement that focused on the positive points of their meeting. Would you rather she focus on their differences in opinion? Or...... what?

maryflorence said...

I'm with Laura.
I thought her statement was very respectful considering her feelings towards the Catholic church. Especially if the Catholic people are responding to her to way I have seen- attacking her as a person, not just disagreeing with her belief.

It would be hard to be respectful of someone who leads the group of people calling me names ect.

Abortion isn't an issue that you can simply have a conversation with someone and change their mind. Each side feels they are 100% and the other side is cruel, when both sides have to prioritize a life. And I will not get into that because a comment on a blog doesn't change anyone's mind either.

But I don't think she's a moron.

maryflorence said...

Also, let me clarify, that I don't KNOW her feelings on the Catholic church. Just assumed.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy that the Vatican issued a statement, and I wished Pelosi would have addressed the elephant in the room. She does not hesitate to tell everyone she's Catholic and then follow it up by saying she supports abortion. They don't go together. This is an issue that the Catholic Church does not consider a matter of opinion. And being a public servant carries a heavy responsibility. She is misleading others by implying they can be Catholic and support abortion.

Bonnie said...

Mary & Laura, clearly there's some background on Ms. Pelosi that you are not aware of, which is why I think she's a moron and you can't understand it at all. Also, this has only to do with the way she represents herself as an "ardent, practicing Catholic" (her words), not as a person or politician.

If you would like to see how she misrepresented Catholic teaching during an interview in August, and the responses that the US bishops made, please check out the following link:

In the end you still might not think she's a moron, but as a TRUE ardent, practicing Catholic, her opinions, actions, words and disrespect about Church Teaching is greatly offensive to me.

Anonymous said...

I have always believed religion to be a very personal part of one's life. Some live their lives strictly to the word of their religion and others don't follow it as rigidly. If Nancy Pelosi is a "moron" because she is not an "ardent Catholic" then the vast majority of world's population must be composed of "morons". And I would bet that many people you sit next to in church every Sunday are "morons". People live their lives in different ways. That's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

yes, that is true. but then they are not true Catholics by not following all the teachings of the Church, which was brought down by Jesus, Himself. If she doesnt believe that it is the truth, then she should call herself something besides Catholic.