Friday, August 10, 2007

The Move

This has been a pleasantly cool summer. Highs around 80-85 - good for swimming and not too hot for bike rides. Lows down to the 60's at night.

And then came this week. The temperature soared to 97 with a heat index of well over 100. The hottest day, of course, was Wednesday, when we moved.

Travis' parents, sister and cousin all came to help. The day started at 8 am with us all meeting up at Lowe's to buy our new washer and dryer. It ended at 7pm with dinner at the Busy Corner. (If you're ever near Goodfield go there - we satisfied 6 adults for $40.)

The girls stuck around and stayed the night with us Wednesday and Thursday nights. They were both huge helps with painting, unpacking and entertaining us.

Key moments:
- When Travis hoisted a bureau out of the truck and onto his shoulder and then lifted it up to his dad, who was standing on the little white porch at the top of the stairs. (I was a little woosey over what a stud my husband is.)

- After three tries, finally getting a window air conditioning unit that worked!
- Getting the bathroom in working order: clean shower, covered wall, new toilet seat, huge curtain to close off the bathroom for privacy. Note M below in progress.

- Watching the SNL "I want more cowbell" skit at the end of the day.
- The coconut custard pie our old neighbor lady brought over for us and the fresh cantaloupe our new neighbor brought us.
- That B wore this shirt just for me. It's the evil sun melting all the ice cream treats - which is exactly what we felt like.

And here's our new shower - sitting like a champ in our garage until there's a big enough hole in the house to get it inside.

1 comment:

Maiasaura said...

oh, you poor people. that would have been a killer day to move. we haven't ventured outside all week. i just can't take the searing heat.
still, it probably feels good to have it done.
let the renovations begin!